Cyber Nations Wiki

Old Charter of The League of Small Superpowers (LOSS)[]

Flag of LoSS

The official LOSS flag

Lingua Alienus[]

Here are the translations of all the foreign words used in this document. Not all words are used with their strict translation, some freedom and creativity was used. First the chapters, and specific words per chapter. After that, the words used

  • Forma: The shape of the document, the list of Chapters
  • Admonitio: Warning
  • Positus: Arrangement
  • Nota Bene: Observe Carefully
  • Verbum Pro Toto: A word before the story, preamble.
  • Praeteritus: History
  • Necessitates: Necessities
  • Agnosco: To admit (admittance of members)
  • Lex Pugna: Conflict Law
  • Impugnatio: Attack
  • Defensum: Defense
  • Lex Auxilium: Aid Law
  • Usurpo: To Get
  • Commodo: To Give
  • Lex Tributum: Tax Law
  • Lex Communis: General Law
  • Lacuna: Loss
  • Lex Duces: Leaders Law
  • Administratio: Government
  • Desumo: To Elect
  • Senatum: Senate
  • Iudex: Judge
  • Lex Scelestus: Criminal Law
  • Carte Blanche: To use any means necessary
  • Lex Genus: Category Law


-Lingua Alienus -Forma -Admonitio -Verbum pro Toto -Praeteritus -Necessitates -Agnosco -Lex Pugna -Lex Auxilium -Lex Communis -Lex Duces -Lex Scelestus -Lex Genus

Admonitio I[]

The League of Small Superpowers can also be designated as LOSS. The League of Small Superpowers has the right to use this short in official documents. We do not allow any Cybernations related person/alliance or other substance of some sort to use this short without our permission.

The laws are divided into: Lex -> Positus -> Article Lex is designated as "Name of Lex (roman number)" Positus is designated as "Name of Positus" Article is designated as "X.x"

The Positus is optional. The Nota Bene does not count as a legislation, but as an elaboration.

Verbum pro Toto[]

This is the official Charter of the Cybernations Alliance known as the League of Small Superpowers. This Charter is approved by the LOSS membership.

LOSS is a well respected alliance amongst some alliances within CN, we have proven our commitment to our close allies and have never turned our back on them. Our alliance, as a whole is committed to peace keeping however we will never turn our backs on our allies. LOSS always looks for a diplomatic solution in any possible disputes or dilemmas, but when such a solution is not found, we will not turn away from an armed conflict

We are here to give our members a nice time in the Cyberverse. We are here to keep our promises, and help our friends. But most importantly, we are here to have fun, and because we can.


LOSS has been involved in a number of large events and whilst we may not be triumphant in some, our moral has never been broken. Some Large events include:

The Second Polar War - Supporting the NAAC The Great War - Supporting the CoaLUEtion

We look back on these moments in history proudly, and consider them our finest hours.


We look for strong minded and committed nations, nations that will not turn their backs in the dawn of war. We are a respectful alliance therefor we look for respectful members. Members will be promoted by proving themselves of a large time period, main criteria would involve, activity, helpfulness, honor, commitment.

Agnosco II[]

To be a member of LOSS you must:

  • Aa: Be registered on the Official LOSS Offsite Forum.
  • Ab: Have entered "LOSS" in the ingame.
  • Ac: Be on the Official LOSS Memberlist, which is found on the Offsite.
  • Ad: Conduct yourselves in compiance with the Charter of LOSS, or accept the punishment if not in compliance with the Charter of LOSS.

Nota Bene

Aa, Ab, Ac, Ad are mandatory if you want to become, or remain a member.

Leg Pugna III[]


When a member starts a war that is not approved by the LOSS government he is:

  • Ia. Responsible for paying the costs of the war.
  • Ib: Not open to aid, except in extreme circumstances*
  • Ic: Not able to declare the war in the name of LOSS.
  • Id: Not allowed to use nuclear weapons unless nuked first.

  • To be determined by the Consul.


Any LOSS members who are attacked first are entitled to:

  • Da: Immediate aid from LOSS bank accounts and members.
  • Db: Demand reasonable# reparations for damages to their nation by the agressor.
  1. Defines reasonabe as destroyed infrastucture, troops, tanks, and the amount of money believed to have been lost as a result of a war (later determined by the Minister of Internal Affairs).

Lex Auxilium IV[]


All LOSS members involved in a defensive war, are entitled to:

  • Ua: Official aid from LOSS.
  • Ub: Are not allowed to use money from the bank of LOSS for aid to third parties.


All LOSS members that donate to LOSS are:

  • Ca: Not eligible for reembersment by the bank of LOSS.
  • Cb: Giving at their own risk, any repairs* demanded by the defended are required to be paid.

  • Defines reasonabe as destroyed infrastucture, troops, tanks, and the amount of money believed to have been lost as a result of a war (later determined by the Minister of Internal Affairs).

Lex Tributum V[]

  • Ta: Paying taxes is optional.
  • Tb: Nations over 500 strength are eligible for LOSS taxations.
  • Tc: Nations under 500 strength are not eligible for LOSS taxations.

Nota Bene

Taxations are minor sums worked out which are easily affordable and will not effect your nation severly, nations can opt our of paying tax when selected but are expected to contribute* to LOSS at some point during their membership.

  • Defines contribution as to be commited, run for a position within LOSS or to pay taxations.

Lex Communis VI[]


  • La: Every LOSS member can propose an amendement to the charter. This will be voted on by the Senate first, and altered if needed. Then the LOSS membership in full will be required to vote on the issue. A 50% +1 vote majority will be sufficient for the new legislation to be passed and taken up in the Charter.
  • Lb: The official LOSS membership list is is in the recount forum.

Only members on this list will be accepted as LOSS members. Members not on this list will be uneligible for military aid, financial aid etc.

  • Lc: All LOSS members must be part of the Black Team.
  • Ld: All LOSS members must behave in good conduct towards allies and enemys.
  • Le: All LOSS members departing/leaving LOSS must give 48 hours notice before joining another alliance.
  • Lf: No LOSS member can be in multiple alliances at once unless granted by the Government of LOSS
  • Lg:. If a member leaves then rejoins within any time period they will not be able to re-join their old position.

Lex Duces VII[]


The Government consist of 3 branches (Government, Senate, Juridical) Voting takes place on average monthly, Government officals are elected into position through a fair elective process, under supervision by the Consul.

When no member recieves a majority vote for Consul, the elections will results will be discarded, and a new election round will follow.

If this happens to any other office, the Consul will discuss a course of action together wtih the membership and the nominees in question. He may choose to run a second round, or pick one himself.


  • Consul: He is the leader of LOSS. He has the power to instruct his Government Officials, and make new policies. He can also appoint/dismiss officials at will. The Senate can veto his decisions, or remove him.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Is responsible for Foreign Affairs. He makes Foreign policies together with the Consul, and negotiates MDP's or NAP's.
  • Minister of Internal Affairs: Is responsible for the LOSS Bank, Mentor Pupil system and all other things that can be named "internal" (the latter to be decided by the Consul).
  • Head of Recruitment: Is responsible for recruiting new LOSS members. He can also appoint new recruitment officers.
  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: He assists the Minister of Foreing Affairs. Can also fill in for the MoFa if he is absent.

Nota Bene

Each of these Ministers, save the Deputy Minister is in charge of his own Department.


  • Praetor: The leader of the Senate. He is responsible for leading Senate votings, and organising meetings.
  • Senator: Has a vote and a voice in the Senate.


  • High Judge: Takes care judging all offenses against the LOSS charter.

Lex Scelestus VIII[]

All members which fail to comply with all of the previous legislation's will stand trial before the High Judge and Senate. The Senate will recieve a "Carte Blanc" for this.

Lex Genus IX[]

  • Ga:All LOSS members get the option to recieve either Regular status or Soldier status.
  • Gb: All LOSS Soldiers will be organised in the LOSS Armed Forces (LSAF).
  • Gc: LOSS Armed Forces (LSAF) will be generally the main fighting force for LOSS. All soldiers are expected to be prepared for battle whatever the cost. Soldiers will not be taxed, or be recieve a discount.
  • Gd: All LOSS Soldiers and Regulars must comply to the Charter. LOSS Soldiers must also comply to any extra rules that are imposed by the LSAF Command.
  • Ge: The rules imposed by LSAF Command may not conflict with this Charter.

Revised Charter (Charter retired August 28, 2008)[]


Upon entrée all members wishing to apply are prompted to submit their agreement to the Oath. It is understood that this Oath, even if not taken, is automatically in effect under the law of this charter. All applicants must abide the following Oath:

The No-War Clause

I as a member of LOSS, will not engage in warfare with other nations without explicit confirmation from the Current LOSS Government. If I engage in warfare with another nation, particularly one affiliated with another alliance, I understand I may be subject to immediate expulsion from LOSS and to be considered a "rogue nation". I also agree that I will not be considered a LOSS member if i have not entered "LOSS" into my alliance affiliation.


LOSS has been involved in a number of large events and whilst we may not be triumphant in some, our moral has never been broken. Some Large events include:

Second Arctic/Polar War - Supporting the NAAC The Great War - Supporting the CoaLUEtion Great War II - Supporting the League Great War III - Supporting Aegis


We look for strong minded and committed nations, nations that will not turn their backs in the dawn of war. We are a respectful alliance therefore we look for respectful members. Members will be promoted by proving themselves of a large time period; main criteria would involve activity, helpfulness, honour, commitment.

Admission and Membership Law[]

To become or stay a member of LOSS you must:

I. Be registered on the Official LOSS Off-site Forum,

II. Have entered "LOSS" in the in game alliance affiliation.

IV. Be part of the Blue Team.

V. Conduct yourselves in compliance with the Charter of LOSS and it's officials, or accept the punishment if not in compliance with the Charter of LOSS.

VI. Not be a member of more than one alliance, unless granted by the LOSS Consul.

Nota Bene: The LOSS government reserves the right to withhold membership even if someone is in compliance with the above terms.

Member Rights[]

Every LOSS member reserves the right to:

I. Protection from harm.

II. The freedom of speech*

III. Refuse to undertake a command by an official*

  • In both these cases there is the possibility of harming the alliance as a whole. While these rights may not be violated, members are still responsible for their actions, and the High Judge may prosecute them to the fullest extent if they harm the alliance, for the right of free speech and refusal may never impede the right of protection.

War Law[]


When a member starts a war without approval by LOSS government/military, the LOSS government reserves the right to punish that member with any number of the following penalties:

I. Responsible for paying the costs of the war.

II. Not able to receive LOSS aid for a set period.

III. Not able to declare the war in the name of LOSS for a set period.

IV. Liable to be attacked by LOSS.

V. Removal of LOSS membership.

Nota Bene: These punishments can be overturned by the High Judge


Any LOSS member who is attacked by a Rogue, is entitled to:

I. Immediate aid from LOSS.

II. Reasonable* reparations for damages to their nation by the aggressor.

III. Retaliation with equal force.

IV. Help from the LOSS Military.

  • Defines reasonable as destroyed infrastructure, technology, troops, tanks, and the amount of money believed to have been lost as a result of a war (determined by a LOSS official).

Aid Law[]


All members of LOSS are entitled to:

I. Official aid from LOSS after a defensive war or an offensive war endorsed by the government.

II. Military aid during a defensive war.

Nota Bene: These rights may be overturned by the Consul if there is evidence the wars were caused by the LOSS member requesting aid. The High Judge may overturn the Consul's decision, restoring these rights.


Anyone that donates to LOSS is:

I. Not eligible for reimbursement by LOSS, unless previously arranged.

II. Entitled to recognition for their donation.


The LOSS government reserves the right to reinstate/desist taxations.

I. Paying taxes is mandatory.

II. Nations over 4000 strength are eligible for LOSS taxations.

III. Nations under 3999 strength are not eligible for LOSS taxations.

IV. Nations that have served at least one full governmental term in an official capacity for LOSS have the right to refuse taxation.

Nota Bene: Taxations are minor sums worked out which are easily affordable and will not effect your nation severely, but they are mandatory. Every nation in LOSS is expected to contribute to the alliance at some point during their membership.

Diplomacy Law[]


The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the negotiation of treaties and engagement in diplomatic talks with other alliances, in cooperation with the current Consul. All treaties must be passed through him and the Consul before they can be signed.


The signatures of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Praetor*, and the Consul are required for the treaty to be valid.

  • The Praetor only signs as a representative of the Senate, if a majority of the Senate chooses to support said treaty.

Election Law[]


I. Elections will be held for every publicly elected office in LOSS, all Ministers, Senators and the Consul.

II. Elections will be held every two months.

III. In order to be eligible for election, a member must nominate himself within the nomination period.

IV. You must be a full LOSS member to run for elections or vote in them.

V. No member may hold more than one of the elected offices and the position of LSAF Commander at the same time. If the elections demand this, that member will have to choose which position to take, and leave the other position to the runner-up.


Voting takes place bi-monthly. Government officials are elected into position through a fair elective process, under supervision by the election committee.

I. A voting thread for each elected position is to be created by the Consul or High Judge.

II. Each member receives one vote per government position.

III. Each member receives five votes for the Senate election.

IV. Votes are non-retractable, edited posts will be voided.

V. When a plurality is not reached (a tie) a run-off election will be held with only the tied candidates running for the position.

Election Schedule

Elections will begin on the last three days of the second month. An election week will be broken into different periods. The periods will begin and end in the following order:

I. Nominations Period, a 24 hour nomination period to allow members to nominate themselves for the elections. This period starts three days before the end of the month.

II. Campaigning Period, a 72 hour campaigning period will allow candidates to campaign, write speeches and answer questions of the membership. This period starts two days before the end of the month.

III. Voting Period: A 48 hours voting period to allow members to vote in the election threads. This period starts After period I & II are closed.

IV. Run-off Period: Run-off elections will only be held if in any polls ends in a tie. These run-off elections will last for 48 hours. This period starts one day after the end of period III.

Campaigning Regulations

The following are rules and regulations on proper campaigning. If a candidate is found violating these rules he/she risks being disqualified by the election committee.

I. No slanderous accusations against opponents or of the past administration. Candidates must be respectful to each other and thus flaming or slanderous accusations are not tolerated.

II. No revelations of Curia information that might have a serious impact on security. Revealing security-sensitive documents is a serious breach of security.

III. No mass messaging (PMing, etc.) members in-game or on the forums to vote for you. However, personalized messages are welcome.

IV. Campaigning on IRC is allowed to a certain extent. Channel operators must regulate campaigning to a minimum and make sure no secret information is leaked into the public LOSS channel.

V. IRC Debates can only be held in the channel #LOSSTalk due to security issues.

Election Committee

The Election Committee will consist of the current Consul and High Judge. The Consul and/or High Judge may appoint members to become a part of the Committee. Committee members, other then the Consul, and High Judge cannot be candidates for any election.

I. The Committee supervises the elections. It opens and closes them according to the Election Schedule.

II. The Committee arranges for messages to be send to the entire alliance in game to notify them of the elections. These messages must not be biased and cannot hint towards a particular candidate. They must simply state that the elections have started and provide a link to the Elections board.

III. The Committee polices the elections for any breaches of the charter and of proper campaigning conduct. If a violation is found it is likely the candidate will be disqualified or the High Judge gives an appropriate punishment.

IV. If the Consul is running in the elections and is found abusing his powers through the Election Committee, the High Judge may prosecute him to the fullest extent of his powers.

Leadership Law[]


The LOSS administration is organized in three separate branches, the Governmental, the Senatorial, and the Judicial Branch. Each of these branches deals with a separate matter, the Government with executing policies, the Senate with checking those policies, and the Judicial branch deals with punishing those who do not follow the charter or orders from the Consul.

The LOSS Senate has the power to veto any decision made by the Consul, and through the Consul, any decision made by a Minister or Ministerial worker. A majority of the Senate will need to support such a motion.


The LOSS Government is made up by the following elected officials:

Consul: Is the leader of LOSS. He has the power to instruct all Government officials and the LSAF Commander, and make new policies. He can also appoint/dismiss officials at will. The Senate can veto him or remove him from office.

Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA): Is responsible for Foreign Affairs. He makes Foreign policies and negotiates treaties. He is also responsible for LOSS' public image.

Minister of Internal Affairs (MoIA): Is responsible for LoSS publications (such as videos and audio) and a bi-weekly bulletin of reasonable length detailing all the weeks events in LOSS and the wider CN community. He also runs the LOSS mentor program, and is responsible for mass-communication within the alliance. The MoIa is also responsible for keeping the basic guides in the library updated.

Minister of Economics (MoE): Deals with anything pertaining to aid and nation growth. The MoE is also responsible for overseeing the nation growth and tech-trade programs, and management of the banking squad.

Minister of Recruitment (MoR): The MoRe is the force that brings in new nations to LoSS. He must work to bring in new nations through mass-pming CN nations ingame, and through any other means available. The MoR is also responsible for the masking department.


Praetor: Has a vote and a voice in the Senate. The Questor with the most votes in the Senate elections takes on the title of Praetor, the formal leader of the Senate. He is responsible for leading Senate voting, and organizing meetings and polls and acting as a figurehead.

Questor: Has a vote and a voice in the Senate. A Questor may bring forth issues suggested by members of the alliance. The Questor can propose laws and voice his/her opinion on various internal and external issues. There are five Questors (one of which is named Praetor).

Consul Emeritus: Has a voice in the Senate. Ex-Consuls who have received permanent access to the Senate, and are there to advise the Senate and Government. The Senate may remove and/or reinstate a Consul Emeritus. They may not cast a vote.

Nota bene: every single decision taken by the Senate must by supported by a majority of the votes.


High Judge: Judges and decides on all cases concerning charter violations and any other cases brought to him, including those mentioned earlier in the charter.

I. Replacement for the High Judge will come from two nominations: one from the Consul and the other from the outgoing High Judge. Should the High Judge already have left the alliance then the Senate will make the second nomination.

II. The High Judge will be elected by a majority from the Senate.

III. The punishments available to the High Judge are: Paying repairs, no LOSS aid, removal of membership, removal from office.

IV. Any member can present a case before the High Judge.


Ministries are administrative bodies tied to the Minister. They are staffed by unelected officials, appointed by the Minister, and led by the Minister himself. Each Ministry has several departments:

MoFA: -Department of Foreign Aid, takes care of all inter-alliance offers of aid.

MoIA: -Department of Mentoring, takes care of the mentor program. -Department of Communication, takes care of internal communication, -Department of Administration, takes care of forum administration and moderation.

MoE: -Department of Nation Growth, takes care of nation audits, -Department of Banking, manages the bank squad, -Department of Technology, takes care of tech dealing and farming.

MoR: -Department of Masking, takes care of masking all new members of the forum.

Any staff member of a Ministry above the rank "worker" may be put in charge of a Department by the Minister. He is named the "Head of Department X".

Unelected Officials

Ranked from highest to lowest:

Proconsul: The Consul must appoint one of his Ministers to the position of Proconsul. If the current Consul is impeded from doing his job, he can allow the Proconsul to step in as "Consul Pro Tempore", with exactly the same powers and duties as the Consul. The Senate may then vote on whether to hold new elections, or to allow the "Consul Pro Tempore" to finish the term.

Deputy Minister: Deputies are officials appointed by Ministers. They serve as their primary help, and are first in command under the Minister. There can only be one deputy to each Minister at any given time. May command Lt. Ministers and Workers

Lieutenant Minister: A ministry official that is usually tasked with heading a department or assisting a department Head. May command Workers

Worker: A staff member tasked with executing orders from superiors to help run the Ministry. May have titles bound to their task, such as "diplomat", "recruiter" or "auditor".

Military Law[]


War upon another sovereign alliance may only be declared or revoked by the Consul and a majority of the Senate. If either party does not condone the war, no official attacks may be issued. War upon rogues, even a small entity of rogues, may be issued by the LSAF Commander, and any member he authorizes to do so as well.


The military structure of the LosS Armed Forces is written down in the "LSAF Code". Any changes to this code must be made through a normal charter amendment. This LSAF Code may not conflict with this charter.

Amendment Law[]


Any member can propose an amendment to the Charter. It must receive the majority* of the votes in the Senate, the proposal may be altered by the Senate if needed. Once this has been achieved the amendment must receive a majority* approval by a public voting in which the entire alliance may vote.

I. There must be a 48 hour period in which every member is informed of the voting by the election committee.

II. There will be a 48 hour voting period, supervised by the election committee.

III. Once passed, a law is in effect immediately.

  • A 50% +1 vote majority will be sufficient for the new legislation to be passed and taken up in the Charter.

Third Revised Charter (Retired on May 25, 2009)[]

Article I: Admission[]

Any nation that is not already a member of another sovereign alliance can apply to become a member of LOSS. All admissions and admission requirements are handled by the Senate.

Article II: The Government Structure[]

a. Princeps

The Princeps is the sovereign of the alliance, and responsible for all internal and external affairs. He may also create and dismiss new offices at will and appoint members to those offices. He is the Chairman of both the Prefectorial Staff and the Senate, but may delegate those offices to any member of his choice. The Princeps is appointed for life. If the Princeps decides to step down from office, he must appoint a successor. If no successor has been appointed, the Consul becomes the new Princeps.

b. Consul

The Consul is the successor of the Princeps, who sets the exact powers and responsibilities of the Consul. He is the first member of the Prefectorial Staff, and appointed by the Princeps.

c. Prefectorial Staff

The Prefectorial Staff is the gathering of all high executive offices with the alliance, it's members serve to act as leaders of the alliance, and/or advisors to the Princeps. New offices can be added to the Prefectorial Staff by the Princeps, who may appoint any member to such a position.

d. Senate

The Senate acts as the representation of the people in LOSS. It's membership consists of four (4) elected senators and two (2) senators appointed by the Princeps. The main duty of the Senate is to represent and aid the membership, administrate the requirements for membership admission and to serve the alliance where needed. The Senate must also approve any impeachment proposal. Senators serve a bi-monthly term, the General Assembly will elect two new senators each month. All senatorial votes and decisions require at least four votes to stand. Voting lasts up to 72 hours, after which the decision falls to the Princeps.

e. Custos

The Custos is guardian of the alliance. His duty is to preserve the integrity of the alliance as a whole and act as an advisor to the Princeps, the Senate and the General Assembly. The Custos must ratify any new Princeps before he may assume the position. The Custos is appointed for life. If the Custos decides to step down from office, he must appoint a successor. If no successor has been appointed, the General Assembly votes on a new Custos.

Article III: Rights[]

a. General Assembly

Everyone that has received full membership by the Senate has the right of a seat in the General Assembly, which votes on impeachment/expulsion motions and charter amendments.

b. Impeachment & Expulsion

Any member of the General Assembly can propose a motion to impeach (remove from office) an official, or to expel any member from the alliance. If this motion is passed by the Senate, the General Assembly will vote on the matter. A majority of 75% +1 is required for the motion to pass, voting lasts up to 72 hours. The Princeps may impeach or expel any member at will, except the elected senators and the Custos.

c. Charter Amendments

Any member of the General Assembly can propose an amendment to the charter. If this motion is passed by the Senate and the Custos, the membership will vote on the matter. A majority of 75% +1 is required for the motion to pass, voting lasts up to 72 hours.

Forth Revised Charter (Retired on July 06, 2013)[]


We, the League of Small Superpowers, in an effort to safeguard our community, and to maintain our values and principles as a united people, hereby enact this charter to defend our culture and those whom call it home. Furthermore, we hereby affirm to remain honorable to our allies in times of war and peace, and to never forfeit our principles and commitments

Article I: Admission[]

Any nation that is not already a member of another sovereign alliance can apply to become a member of LOSS. All admissions and admission requirements are handled by the Senate. To become a member of the League of Small Superpowers, one must not be currently at war with another nation. One must also take a pledge to LoSS and pass an entrance examination.

Article II: The Government Structure[]

Elected Government

  • Triumvirate
  • Five (5) Senate Members
  • Five (5) Deputy Ministers


  • Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
  • Minister of Defense (MoD)
  • Minster of the Interior (MoI)
  • Minister of Economics (MoE)
  • Minister of Recruitment and Education (MoRE)

Duties of the above parties


The leaders of the alliance. There are three of them all with equal power. They have the power to veto anything signed into effect by the Senate (With a 3/3 Vote). They have the authority to declare war on any alliance deemed necessary. They have the authority to cancel any treaty deemed necessary. A 5/5 senate vote can be used to count as one Triumvirate vote if there is an abstaining or negative Triumvirate member vote. Triumvirate are also the extreme authority of the alliance and are able to pass amendments and other documents deemed necessary to better the alliance. These documents do NOT require approval outside of the Triumvirate, but can be challenged.

Requirements for becoming a Triumvirate

1. Must have been in the alliance at least six (6) months prior to the election with special circumstances for former members.

2. Must be active on IRC.


The senate consists of five (5) members representing the opinion of the alliance. They have the power to vote on any proposal put up by the general membership of the alliance (The general membership also includes the ministers and triumvirate in this case). These types of proposals include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Amendments to the constitution
  • Cancellation of treaties
  • New treaties
  • Impeachment of an official

Senate is the check and balance to the Triumvirate and as such can veto a decision made by the Triumvirate with a 5/5 vote.

Special Case:

Double Dissolution:

In the case of a stalemate caused by the Triumvirates and Senates respective veto powers, a general election will be called.

Deputy Ministers: Each Minister will have an elected first officer, referred to as a Deputy Minister. The officer would be the equivalent of the elected minister, meaning that every department would have a people's representative. They can interface with the membership more easily, and will be able to determine exactly what is wanted. The position allows any member to prove themselves to the Triumvirate and the general membership, as they would be actively working in the department in which they wish to have the ministerial position. This position allows anyone deserving of an appointed ministerial position to gain recognition within the alliance so that when the current minister steps down or get impeached, there will be a variety of members noticed by the alliance that could easily fill in. The position allows the less experienced members to work alongside a more experience member, to gain vital insights into the specific ministry, and would allow them to have knowledge to build a program to challenge the current minister. A current Deputy Minister is unable to challenge while they are in office.

Ministers: All ministers are appointed by a unanimous vote from the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate can also vote to remove a minister from power at the request of the membership or if that minister has fallen into a time of inactivity.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: This is the minister that is in charge of the Foreign Affairs of the alliance. They are responsible for the embassies on the forums as well as recruiting and assigning diplomats to other alliances. They will also be in charge of making sure the treaty vault as well as the wiki treaty list is properly cleaned and up to date. They will be the main contact regarding treaties with other alliances as well as any other diplomacy with other alliances.

Minster of Defense: This is the minister that is in charge of the LSAF and the Special Forces (Shadows). They will be responsible for maintaining a functional military through the recruitment of military members and leaders for the different brigades within the military. They will also be in charge of the Rogue Squadron Unit (RSU), which will be used to combat rogues that attack our alliance members. They are also responsible for the building and nurturing of comradeship and organizational identification within the military.

Minister of the Interior: This is the Minster that is in charge of the Internal Affairs of the alliance. They are responsible for maintaining the state of the alliance. They will be in charge of forum upkeep as well as contacting members and keeping members informed about the on goings of the alliance (this contact will be both in game and on forum). They will also be in charge of keeping an up to date list of the membership of the alliance and scanning our AA for ghosts. All awards and accomplishments will be developed, monitored, and celebrated by this minister. This minister will also be in charge of masking new alliance members (along with the Minister of Recruitment and Education).

Minister of Finance: This is the minister that is in charge of the Finances of the alliance. They are responsible for the tech deals that are alliance sponsored as well as alliance sponsored aid and growth programs. This minister will work in conjunction with the Minister of Recruitment and Education.

Minister of Recruitment and Education: This is the minister that is in charge of recruitment and the education of the members of the alliance, both new and old. They will be responsible for recruiting members as well as getting current members involved in the recruitment of new members. The other responsibility of this minister is the education of members. This includes keeping guides up to date and the LoSS membership test. This minister will also be in charge of masking new alliance members (along with the Minister of the Interior).

Ministerial Challenge: Appointed ministers can be challenged by the membership body at any time. A challenger must be endorsed by three general members and at least two senate members. If a challenge takes place a program plan is received from the challenger and incumbent. All speeches and plans are PMed to the Triumvirate and they stay in private so that the challenger and incumbent can't use each others ideas. Program plans may include, but are not limited to:

  • 1. Why they are better than the other person for the position
  • 2. How they plan to evolve the current program if necessary
  • 3. What do they plan to bring to the department that may be lacking

Challenge winners: Once a challenger wins and becomes appointed, while they will still be reviewed, they get a two month period without being challenged again in order to have time to fully enact their winning programs. Challenge losers: If the challenger looses they can not challenge for that minister position again for two months. They are free to do so with other minister positions. The challenge rule only applies to current Ministers, as in 1st officers can not be challenged only elected. Current Deputy Ministers are not allowed to challenge a minister while still serving their term.


All ELECTED positions are elected by the general membership of LoSS. Elected terms are 6month for Triumvirate, 3 months for Senators, 1 month for deputy ministers. The election timetable would be a Triumvirate election every January and July, Senator elections every January, April, July, and October, and deputy ministers every month.

Each election will take place over a 6 day (144 hour) period.

Day 1 and 2 (48 hours): Nominations for the elected position

  • Self Nomination
  • These nominations will start at UPDATE on day one and end at update 48 hours later.

Day 3 and 4 (48 hours): Campaigns for those nominated

  • This is the candidates chance to allow the general membership to know why they are the best candidate for the job
  • This will be a Speech by the candidate and a topic opened BY THE CANDIDATE for questions and answers
  • Speech and Q&A should be the same topic.
  • Threads will be locked after 48 hours.

Day 5 and 6 (48 hours): Voting for the candidates

  • This will be done VIA people posting a response in a thread started by the current MoI
  • Each member will get ONE vote for each Triumvirate position (Three total votes)
  • Each member will get ONE vote for each Senate position (Five total votes)
  • In the case of the Triumvirate, the top three candidates will win. In case of a tie, there will be a 24 hour revote period for just those candidates that are tied.
  • In the case of the Senate, the top five candidates will win. In case of a tie, there will be a 24 hour revote period for just those candidates that are tied.

Article III: Rights[]

a. General Assembly

Everyone that has received full membership by the Senate has the right of a seat in the General Assembly, which votes on impeachment/expulsion motions and charter amendments.

b. Impeachment & Expulsion

Any member of the General Assembly can propose a motion to impeach (remove from office) an official, or to expel any member from the alliance. If this motion is passed by the Senate, the General Assembly will vote on the matter. There are two ways that an impeachment can be processed. -One: By a 75% (6/8) AYE vote by the Senate and Triumvirate. -Two: By a 66% AYE vote from the ACTIVE general membership. Expulsion from the alliance can also be voted on in this manner.

c. Charter Amendments

Any member of the General Assembly can propose an amendment to the charter. If this motion is passed by the Senate and not vetoed by the Triumvirate, the membership will vote on the matter. A majority of 75% +1 is required for the motion to pass, voting lasts up to 72 hours.

Article IV: Military Policy[]

Military Action:

Tech raids may only be conducted with the permission of a Triumvirate, Minister of Defense, or members of the military structure the current MoD authorizes to make that choice. Defensive attacks may only be conducted with the permission of the proper authorities, as listed above. Military service is obligatory to all members. This ensures that members are not just using the LoSS AA as a means of being protected and not contributing to the alliance. Exceptions to this rule can be granted by any member of the government or the military on a case by case basis.


The League of Small Superpowers considers any attempt to spy on a nuclear weapon in our possession the direct equivalent of nuclear warfare. It will be treated as such in all scenarios.

In the case of a defensive war, in which LoSS or a LoSS representative is declared on, first strike nuclear retaliation is the standard procedure. This may be changed during times of war by a direct veto of the Triumvirate.

Article V: Resignation[]

Any member in good standing may resign from the League of Small Superpowers except in a state of emergency, such as an alliance war. Any member leaving in debt to LoSS will be expected to pay back the money owed to LoSS in a timely manner.

Good standing shall be defined as follows:

  • A member is in good standing if he has not wronged LoSS in any way.
  • A member is in good standing if he is leaving on peaceful terms.
  • A member is NOT in good standing if he is being courtmarshalled.
  • A member is NOT in good standing if he has gone rogue.
  • A member is NOT in good standing if he has attacked a fellow LoSS nation.

The resignation of a government member will considered in the same way. In the case of a Senator or a Triumvirate resigning, there will be an emergency 72 hour voting cycle. This will follow the same voting cycle laid out in Article III, but compressed to 24 hour periods. In the case of a Minister leaving, the Triumvirate will appoint a new minister to take the vacant spot.

Article VI: Amendments[]

This charter is open to amendment by the majority vote of the Senate and members who vote on Senate matters at any time.


Oldest to Newest:

Original Writings (May06)[]

King Justin XIII and Alexandros Dios Nidhogg

Additional Writings (Summer 06)[]

Drugsup and Alexandros Dios Nidhogg

Latin Translations (Summer 06)[]

Alexandros Dios Nidhogg

Revisions (May 07)[]

Althor and Drugsup

Revisions (Oct 07)[]

Jaaku, Nikolaos, Rebirth of Gorniar, and Grand_Duke_Stephen

Additional Writings/Revisions (Dec 07)[]

Alexandros Dios Nidhogg

Original Writings (Aug. 08)[]

Nidhogg, Drugsup, Jaaku, Caesar, and Rebirth
